The micro and macro levels of book editing

Good editors are a lot less tyrannical than J. Jonah Jameson from Spider-Man (and also less colorful).
Developmental editing focuses on the story — characters, plot, tone, continuity, etc. (This video, about the making of Star Wars, explains it well.) Line editing consists of detailed notes on the writing, everything from word choices to sentence structure to paragraphs or entire sections that need attention. Copyediting is focused on grammar, punctuation and spelling. (More on the differences here.)
Editing should never involve wresting control of the work from the writer. As John McIntyre of the The Baltimore Sun says: “Editors, generally, are introverts. We work in anonymity, not being actuated by a vulgar craving for public notice. … Because we are not driven by desire for glory, we are happy to share what we know of the craft: to consult, to advise, to train, to mentor.” McIntryre elaborates on the different types of editing in this video.
When I read a manuscript, these are the main things I’m looking for.
Does the story begin “as close to the end as possible”, as Kurt Vonnegut advised? Does the narrative progress in a coherent way? Does it move at a pace that will hold a reader’s interest while also providing the details and background that bring the characters and setting to life? Is there a discernible beginning, middle and end? Are there peaks and valleys in the action that trend upward toward the climax?
Does the point of view from which the author is writing suit the story, and does the author adhere to it throughout? Is the writing style also suitable and consistent? How will the writing “sound” in the reader’s head? Do the writer’s stylistic choices seem natural, or arbitrary and jarring? Is the writer using words that are clear, direct and varied? Is the writer using too much passive voice or relying too heavily on adverbs?
Are the characters developed enough that readers will care what happens to them? Will they feel invested in the outcome of the characters’ (literal or metaphoric) journey? If the story is fantastical, is the internal logic sufficient to maintain the suspension of disbelief? (Related: Has the author spent too much or too little time on world building?)
These questions apply to both fiction and non-fiction writing.
Writing is a process, and a good editor contributes to the author’s process without directing. The writer is the driver and determines the destination; the editor offers navigation suggestions from the passenger seat.
To discuss editing services, contact Storylogic Media.